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Want to have a beautiful lawn? Set a good lawn maintenance schedule! Many owners of lawns will know the importance of having a lawn maintenance schedule. It is necessary for them make the lawn clean and tidy because the lawn can actually reflect the tidiness of the house owners. Some people will think that a lawn maintenance schedule means that people will need to cut the grasses when the weather is fine. However, even though the weather is too cold or too hot, you should still spend time to work in the lawn according to a formal lawn maintenance schedule to make your lawn well. At the beginning of setting up a lawn maintenance schedule, you have to mark down the type of the grasses and other plants in your lawn. You have to then check the length of these grasses and find the necessary time to remove the grasses. Some of the different types of the grasses will grow faster and some will grow slower and you need to think whether you will find an aver

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